
蕭震然大律師俾香港大律師公會釘牌45個月 - Hong Kong Barrister Devin Sio Convicted of Misconduct and Suspended for 45 Months!

蕭震然大律師俾香港大律師公會釘牌45個月 - Hong Kong Barrister Devin Sio Convicted of Misconduct and Suspended for 45 Months! 前青年民建聯副主席、「熊貓大狀」大律師蕭震然,早前處理一宗民事索償案,被投訴專業失當,又涉於另一事件接受紀律聆訊時提供假資料。據悉,大律師公會經調查後,周五(18 日)向會員發信,指蕭面對的 3 項投訴全部成立,被罰停牌共 45 個月,另須賠償當事人、繳罰款及聆訊費合共接近 45 萬元。信中提及,蕭震然的專業失當,對程序公義有不利影響,另批評他在聆訊中提供不實資訊,以誤導他所屬的專業組織,是在玩「貓戲老鼠」的把戲(playing cat-and-mouse)。 該 3 項對蕭震然的投訴分別為: (一)蕭在一宗 2017 年民事索償案中,代表原告人時專業失當; (二)蕭 2016 年時,以專業身分造訪某律師家中就案件開會,而非辦公室; (三)蕭 2020 年接受紀律審裁組聆訊時提供失實資料。 大律師公會將投訴轉介大律師紀律審裁組進行研訊。據了解,審裁組審議後,裁定 3 項對蕭的投訴均成立,並就首項投訴判蕭停牌 30 個月,須於 120 天內向原告賠償 39,500 元,亦即原告聘請他的律師費;就次項投訴,對蕭予以譴責,他須於 120 天內就違例罰款 2,500 元;至於第 3 項投訴,則罰停牌 15 個月,與首項投訴分期執行。此外,蕭須向大律師公會繳聆訊費約 406,800 元。 蕭對第一項投訴作出求情,指他失去所有工作委託、陷經濟困難,現靠家人財政支援維生,望給予他較長時間繳款。其餘兩投訴則沒求情。審裁組批蕭就另外兩項投訴,沒歉意或悔意,也沒表示將來如何不會重複犯錯。 By Statement of Findin

Barrister Kelvin Leung & Solicitor How Chun Fai Are Disgusting Lawyers - [2022] HKCA 1414 - 大律師梁耀祥及律師侯振輝轉介予大律師公會及律師會採取紀律行動

Barrister Kelvin Leung & Solicitor How Chun Fai Are Disgusting Lawyers - [2022] HKCA 1414 - 大律師梁耀祥及律師侯振輝轉介予大律師公會及律師會採取紀律行動 本案上訴人分別是原被控疏忽過路但脫罪的尼泊爾籍女被告Thapa Kamala,以及原審時代表該被告但被罰支付訟費的大律師梁耀祥及律師侯振輝。高院首席法官潘兆初在判詞指,法庭在考慮整宗審訊的過程後,認為原審裁判官確沒有盡責去管理好審訊,以達致迅速作出公正裁決;控辯雙方亦沒有盡責去協助裁判官。首席法官對要批評裁判官及控辯雙方法律代表感不快,但如不作批評,就有違維護司法制度下的公眾利益之責任。 有關原審裁判官就訟費作出的裁決方面,判詞指出考慮裁判官在處理本案時的行為,包括與上訴方律師的爭執及曾還押上訴人等,均會令他人感到裁判官的訟費命令存有偏見。因此上訴庭下令撤銷原審的訟費令,並就訟費重新作頒令,指上訴人的行為自招嫌疑,故未能獲得訟費,且由於控方亦須就浪費法庭時間一事負責,故亦需自行支付訟費。另外對於梁大狀及侯律師方面,上訴庭亦指示高等法院司法常務官,轉介予大律師公會及律師會,讓2組織考慮是否應該對該2人的表現採取紀律行動。 案件編號:HCMA 309,366/2020 疏忽過路案審91日上訴庭批裁判官與律師無盡責判自行支付訟費

Garden Chambers Barrister Dorothy Cheung Disgusting! 投訴香港大律師張曉惠!

Garden Chambers Barrister Dorothy Cheung Disgusting! 投訴香港大律師張曉惠! This is a formal complaint against Hong Kong Barrister  Dorothy Cheung  (張曉惠大律師)  of Garden Chambers, 15/F, Printing House, Central, Hong Kong, for she had dishonestly or otherwise knowingly given false evidence under oath before Barnes J in HCCC 312/2017 [2018] HKCFI 2711, resulting in her being disbelieved by Barnes J.   Hong Kong Barrister  Dorothy Cheung had thereby acted in breach of  paragraph 4.1(b) of the Bar Code . This public judgment says it all: - lrs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp? DIS=119316&currpage=T 首被告陳強利(58歲、退休人士)今天透過代表大律師,申請暫毋須答辯,以待進一步索取控方未被使用文件;陳今天沒有保釋申請。控方則回應指,相關文件會在一星期內交給辯方。次被告張曉惠(33歲、大律師)的代表大律師則表示張已經準備好答辯,但得悉陳仍須索取文件,故保留答辯。法官高勁修問及張的意向,辯方透露張擬不認罪。控罪指,2名被告於2017年1月27日至2017年11月21日期間的若干日子,在香港與馬家健和其他人一同串謀妨礙司法公正,即就刑事案件TWCC 2496/2016,虛假地表示洪智謙沒有要求馬家健接收上述相關案件的郵包,以及聲稱洪智謙並不涉及於上述相關案件。 案件編號:DCCC 37/2022 htt

Hong Kong Barristers Mark Sutherland, Robert Tibbo and Valerie Lim Convicted of Misconduct

Disgusting Hong Kong Barrister Mark Sutherland By a Statement of Findings dated 2 April 2019, the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal (“BDT”) found five complaints of misconduct against Mr Mark Richard Charlton Sutherland (“Mr Sutherland”) to have been proved. By Reasons for Sentence dated 18 July 2019 and Further Order dated 19 July 2019, the BDT ordered, inter alia, Mr Sutherland be suspended from practice as a barrister for a total period of 36 months, with effect from 9 August 2019.  Disgusting Hong Kong Barrister Robert Tibbo By a Statement of Findings dated 27 July 2017, the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal found three (3) complaints of professional misconduct against Mr. Robert John Hugh Tibbo (“Mr Tibbo”) to have been proved.  Further, by Reasons for Sentence on the same date, the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal ordered, inter alia. that Mr Tibbo be censured, and be advised as to conduct by the Chairman of the Bar Association, or his nominee.  Disgusting Hong Kong Barrister Valer

Denis Chang's Chambers Barrister Paul Harris SC Escaped From Hong Kong During The On-Going National Security Law Investigations Against Him - 1 March 2022

Denis Chang's Chambers Barrister Paul Harris SC Escaped From Hong Kong During The On-Going National Security Law Investigations Against Him - 1 March 2022 Hong Kong Bar Association’s former chairman fled the city hours after being questioned by police under a national security law that carries a maximum penality of life imprisonment. Paul Harris boarded a flight to the U.K. via Turkey on Tuesday, according to Wen Wei Po which is owned by Beijing’s liaison office in Hong Kong. The outlet published a video of the British citizen at the airport ignoring reporters’ questions. Harris confirmed to Reuters that he has left Hong Kong. Police had probed Harris on Tuesday in relation to Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor, the non-governmental organization he founded in 1995 before the city’s handover. The veteran human rights lawyer, who is fluent in Cantonese, was branded an “anti-China politician” by Beijing’s liaison office in Hong Kong last April after he criticized the sentencing of some 10

Alexandra Chambers Barrister Hylas Chung Criticized By Judge Maggie Poon As Unprofessional Harmed Others And Did Not Benefit Self - 鍾元富大律師被潘敏琦法官狠批做法不專業損人不利己

Alexandra Chambers Barrister Hylas Chung Criticized By Judge Maggie Poon As Unprofessional Harmed Others And Did Not Benefit Self - 鍾元富大律師被潘敏琦法官狠批做法不專業損人不利己 香港特別行政區 訴 袁郁鈞 (Reported in: [2007] 1 HKLRD 819) HCMA730/2006 (裁判日期:2007年1月23日) 「上訴人的大律師鍾元富大律師 (Barrister Hylas Chung) 本身對刑事審訊接納證據的基本法則一知半解,胡亂指控聆訊時代表上訴人的大律師不稱職,不切實際地提昇上訴人對成功上訴的期望、做法不專業,損人不利己 (Unprofessional, Harmed Others And Did Not Benefit Self),絕對不值得鼓勵或仿效 (Utterly Should Never Be Encouraged Or Imitated。」 - 高等法院原訟法庭暫委法官潘敏琦 (Deputy High Court Judge Maggie Poon)